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Look Back At It ~"Pinned ya again!"

Hello Lovelies,

I've decided that I am going to post every Sunday with a weekly review of what I've done, were I've been and what I've enjoyed wearing that week. Along with reviews or sharing things that I may have purchased that week! I hope these weekly posts can/will inspire you in your daily lives and that you enjoy seeing into my life! Im excited to have these blogs to look back on as there are lots of exciting things happening with planning for Mitchell (my Fiancé) and I's wedding coming up in August!

On Monday I had the pleasure of getting to shoot a sweet "Mother & Daughter" session with Lindsey and little Maddy! It was a lovely sunny morning shoot here in Port Sydney, ON and the sun definitely made its appearance in some of the images. Maddy is such a happy little sweet pea and was excited to explore around the shoot location and always had great smiles for the camera! I also had a fun shoot on Wednesday with Aly and baby Gray, I got to tag along with "Evelyn Barkey Photography" for this session and shoot alongside her! This was a new experience for me shooting with another photographer and it was so much fun I really enjoyed working with her! and it sure makes your job that much easier when you have such lovely models and its a gorgeous sunny day in Muskoka!

My purchase of the week was a $10 little yellow arm chair from the Re-store in Huntsville! It has a vintage feel to it that I absolutely adore, its home right now is in the bunk house here at the Farm. Ive been working on making the Bunk house into a nice warm inviting little "home" for Mitchell as he is planning to come up soon and the Bunk house with be his space. It's been so much fun to work on it and make it a comfortable place for him!

This week I have re discovered my love for my Disney pin collection. I have really enjoyed wearing them as my new favourite accessory! I just love them so much because obviously they are Disney (no duh) but I also just love when someone notices them and it makes them smile! These little pins are just a subtle way to add Disney to any of my outfits and they make me happy! I am for sure looking forward to wearing them more and hunting for more to add to my growing collection!

I challenge you to find those little things that make you excited to get up and get dressed! leave a comment below with your favourite article of clothing or accessory you love to wear that make you feel like a million bucks and puts a spring in your step! :)

I hope you have a MAGICAL week my loves!

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