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An Overcast Beach Shoot- Neve

So yesterday morning I had the opportunity to work with my dear friend Neve! It was a last minute fun shoot we decided to do because we both had the time off, and it turned out AMAZING! The morning was absolutely perfect, it was overcast, not too hot but not too cold, early enough so we had the beach to ourselves and Neve was such a lovely and giggly model! So, yes those smiles are very real! Neve's joy and happiness really helped me as a photographer to shoot and laugh and smile myself! It really was a very simple shoot but so many fun little details and elements we were not expecting! Such as the sweet little teenie tiny white flowers that were washed up all along the beach, and Neve's lovely combination of the simple dresses with her tattoos and of course the swings, which resulted in a perfect way to wrap the shoot!

While we were heading back to the car after many wardrobe changes and laughs Neve said "what a great way to start the day!" And she was 100% correct with that statement! I haven't had the opportunity to shoot a lot in the morning but after this experience I absolutely love it and would highly recommend it to any future clients, it really is a "magical" time for photos!

Last night as I posted some of the images on social media for viewing and Neve was seeing them for the first time she sent me the sweetest complement and she literally put my goal as a photographer into words!

"It's like looking at a picture of how I always imagine myself in my head. It's so weird and cool and I'm so happy I'll be able to look back at it years from now and remember how it felt to be me at this point in time."

Thank you Neve for making my heart so happy and reminding me why I love photography! Thank you for being your beautiful self and letting you sweet soul shine though in these images! Don't ever forget your worth sweet girl! :)

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