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Snowy Session ~ Sydney & Doug

If you live in Muskoka then you know that this past Sunday it was snowing like crazy and didn't stop hardly all day! And on this Snowy Sunday I got to shoot some super cute couple photos for some good friends of mine. Honestly I was a little unsure how the images would turn out because of all the snowflakes falling and getting in my lens but I am happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome! The random snowflakes really give that magical feel to the photos, and with some help from my awesome husband Mitchell who followed me around with a clear umbrella I was able to keep the majority of the unwanted snowflakes out of my lens.

Take a look through some of my favourite shots from the day and let me know in the comments below which ones are your favourites! If you are thinking about booking a winter shoot but are unsure about weather then I hope that these images inspire you to take the jump and book your winter shoot today!

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