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May the 4th ~ Prom

On "May the 4th" (Star Wars Day), I had the privilege of shooting with Tegan, Kaila, Alicia and Piper before they headed out for their Prom night! If you are local or from the area you may recall that Friday night we had some crazy weather and super strong winds. We had planned to shoot outside and we started out on a dock at one of the girl's neighbours but we could soon see storm clouds and rain approaching us quickly. So we took a break and hid from the rain on the neighbour's porch as we watched a large tree snap in half and fly across the road! Thankfully we were able to shoot inside the neighbour's gorgeous home and the results ended up working out for the better! Just goes to show that sometimes you can only plan so much and you have to go with the flow!

Leave a comment below saying what image is your favourite and what you were doing on that crazy windy night.

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