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Last But Certainly Not Least

Hannah and her sweet little family are the last of my JSP 2018 Reps! When I chose Hannah as one of my Reps she was expecting twins! I was super excited for the day to come when I could shoot with her, her husband Clinton and their three little ones. Levi their eldest was full of energy and when I say all of his photos are unposed that is 100% true! He was on the move the entire shoot, scoping out climbing trees, moving boards, and looking for apples... and it was AWEOME! I loved capturing Levi in his element! And then of course the twins, Ezra and Edie, in their adorable matching little knitted sweaters what more could you ask for!

Hannah and Clinton were such a joy to watch interacting with their three babes, loving on them, keeping them cozy with snuggles and blankets, and perching them on the woodpile. I really enjoyed this type of family session, where there really wasn't much of a plan besides seeing what happened and letting the kids do their thing and rolling with it. Letting things happen naturally is what allowed me to of course get those really authentic moments on camera, and not stressing on getting that 'perfect' shot. Even though you could argue this whole shoot was pretty perfect in it's own way!

If you are hesitant to book a family shoot because you think your kids are too young and it will just be crazy... well it might be but I mean it when I say that's awesome and OKAY! I am game to just follow your and your little one's lead and capturing some memories while I'm at it!

Comment down below what's holding you back from booking a shoot and let's talk about it! And let me know which of these images are your faves, I dare you to pick just one!

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